
"Jesus chose Losers. Not always a smart choice to further his cause. But to be loved by the Son of God, one must become counted among the child-like losers." Constance Hastings

The Trouble With Jesus...

The Trouble with Jesus: Even before he was born, his birth sang of trouble.
By Constance Hastings December 16, 2024
Well, isn’t this just jolly. No matter that we’re still trying to get around life and not be sidelined by mysterious drone sightings, people getting shot just walking down a street, or watching dictators fall only to create a vacuum for power. The world daily has some kind of crisis that needs attention. Noooo. People keep acting like they’ve got to get ready for the Big Day and all the festivities that cover for the stress of the season. For the love of God, give it up and tend to what really matters.
The Trouble with Jesus brings a joy to the world that can be costly to both living and one's life.
By Constance Hastings December 9, 2024
So, JTB, have you ever heard it said, Don’t kill the messenger? Sorry, desert-dweller, but if you keep up with this talk of “the ax of God” and “never-ending fire,” well, don’t say you weren’t warned. Somebody’s going to be gunning for you. So much for all this Good News you’re supposed to be shouting about. Geez, guy, the holidays are coming. Lighten up! Let’s clear this up right way. Good News doesn’t necessarily mean what you want to hear...
The Trouble with Jesus is his weirdo advance guy is the one who announced his coming.
By Constance Hastings December 2, 2024
John’s proclamation though was not feel-good, you’re trying your best, and everything is going to be ok. Parroting the old scriptures with high energy may make for an emotional ride, but it doesn’t last. People need what they can hold close and carry away with them.
The Trouble with Jesus is he gives fair warning. Hope for that.
By Constance Hastings November 25, 2024
Jesus, we’ve said this before and still you just don’t get it. Here we are at the time of the year when we should be all bright and merry, and you come on with this end-of-the-world rant. Can’t you just join the party and make happy? We’ve had enough of bad news for too long.
The Trouble with Jesus is he would not be intimidated into answering a trap.
By Constance Hastings November 18, 2024
Truth is the spotlight on humanity. Find it, wrestle with it, run from it but know truth tells much, sometimes too much. Just-the-facts, video footage, eyewitness testimony, subpoenaed emails and documents only color the canvas. Anything can be made to say anything; it’s all in the spin. But truth reveals the greater story, and the direction life gives.
The Trouble with Jesus is he never made the future look totally rosy. He told it real.
By Constance Hastings November 11, 2024
Jesus, what makes you think this Doomsday portrait you give here is helping? Why even talk about it? We’ve been through a hell of a lot, and this end-of-the-world talk isn’t doing us any good. Besides, who’d ever get behind you if this is where you’re going. We’re just not going to listen to this kind of thing. Yeah, well what galaxy do you come from? If talk of apocalyptic endings bother you, why do you watch so much of it from streaming movies to video games to best sellers? Listen guy, there’s money to be made from this genre, and the makers of these stories play right into the basic fears of futurists to preppers to predictive prophets with megaphones shouting, “The End is Near.” Why is this ok for everyone else, but Jesus can’t say anything beyond Love Your Neighbor and Bless the Children? Get over that, and listen up.
The Trouble with Jesus is his teaching was sometimes meant for what he had to do more so than others
By Constance Hastings November 4, 2024
Brief musing here: November 5:2024 Today, tonight, this week we will wait. Apply whatever importance you prefer to this date. Take your side expressed by your vote. Hope for the best. Yet in the marking of your ballot, also bow your head. Pray the hardest prayer ever spoken. “Your will be done.” Accept what will be. Then move into your space, your world, and see what God will do. Shalom.
The Trouble with Jesus is he doesn’t want to fight as much as he wants to lead in Love.
By Constance Hastings October 28, 2024
The Trouble with Jesus is he doesn’t want to fight as much as he wants to lead in Love.
The trouble with Jesus is healing happens in reversal to one’s willingness to see.
By Constance Hastings October 21, 2024
What do you want me to do for you? One’s answer reveals the beggar in one’s soul.
The Trouble with Jesus finds you have to convert more than the world to change it.
By Constance Hastings October 14, 2024
Jesus, if you don’t mind, we’d like to talk with you about what you just said and ask a favor. Sure guys, what’s on your minds.? About your plans, when it all comes about, if the two of us could be seated next to you, one of your right and the other on your left? (long pause…) You have no idea what you’re asking....
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Rev. Constance Hastings

Author of, soon to be released,  The Trouble With Jesus

Easy answers are not my goal, so you won’t get from me a saccharine-sweet line. We’ve all experienced too much to swallow them and be satisfied. I’ve lived long enough to know trials and challenges will sink your soul if that’s all you’ve got in your grasp. On the other hand, the hard questions can be the ones that take a person to new heights of perspective while providing foundations that are as old as excavated rocks. Tough, scary questions are the ones with most value in a fully examined life.
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