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 The Trouble with Jesus

by Constance Hastings

Break My Soul
June 21, 2022

The Trouble with Jesus is he requires commitment that shocks and angers people.

As if we needed any other example of how you’re so dangerous, this one may seal the deal. You don’t pull any punches either, telling any who would follow you that there’s no place to settle, call home, rest and restore one’s self. “Let the dead bury the dead,” you callously say to another who feels the need to give tribute to a loved one. Just saying goodbye to family when leaving to join with you is not permitted. Blind allegiance to a leader is the first sign of a cult, an ideology, totalitarian brain washing and overthrow. You’re speaking it now. Thanks for the warning.

You Won’t Break My Soul

In his mind, this was the point of no return. Jesus had “set his face,” that is he determined and was resolute to move on and head into Jerusalem. He knew he’d face resistance from his own followers as well as threats to his life from the opposition. An easy road just for himself it wouldn’t be. But those who surrounded him didn’t help with his cause. Yet nothing would he allow to turn him from his single-minded purpose even with the ugliness he knew was on his horizon.

Release the Anger

Not long in coming was it either. They were headed into a Samaritan town, a place where racial and religious tension brewed. When village leaders learned of his destination, they wanted no part of this Jewish leader some claimed as Messiah. Added to it was how two of his closest lieutenants, James and John, wanted to call down celestial fire to show these detractors what they had coming. Jesus blew J&J off. When you’re headed into a fight, be smart enough to pick the right battles. They moved onto another town.

Look for a New Foundation

Evidently there were those who wanted to join up. Specifically, three guys asked to enlist. At the time, the prospect of a leader who’d turn the fortune of the oppressed Jews looked promising. Get in on the action and thus the glory, right? But Jesus gave them another thought.

This journey had an ending that would not come back again that way. This was for good. For all it’s harshness, Jesus was doing them a favor in realistically managing expectations. By the time all was said and done, this world would see what they’d never known before.

Yeah, here’s the problem. You expect us to drop everything all for you. You serious? Who’d do such a thing and for what? Get real, oh Son of Man or God or whatever you think you are!

True, his requests of them/maybe us are shocking. Like, forget you’ve ever had some kind of life, people who’ve given you the best of themselves or depend on you in great degree? Sounds like it. But go back to what he said.

Follow me when I have no place to lay my own head? Know to get behind my work is to no longer count on the comforts you’ve been led to believe you deserve. That may come down to thinking you’ve got all the right ideas or even the right to yourself. I’m saying your life will be centered in my life and not your own.

Let the dead bury the dead. Walk away from that which sucks life out of you. Sometimes it can be those who make demands that would not recognize what you are made to be. Block that number; don’t take that call. Instead proclaim my message which will be fulfilled in this journey to Jerusalem and meeting my destiny on a cross.

Saying goodbye to family should be the least that one who is sacrificing self and security might have. Not so. Don’t position yourself next to those emotional ties that could draw you away and back off from what I’m doing.

My New Salvation

“Anyone who puts hand to the plow and looks back is not fit for the Kingdom of God.” That is, any who would follow Jesus has to stay fixed on the mission at hand. Otherwise, the furrow in the soil is likely to veer off, become crocked and steer away losing valuable resources and purpose. In short, “No servant can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other.

Even so, another understanding of what Jesus was asking is significant. He had “set his face” toward Jerusalem. Nothing could deter him from doing what he had come to do. To permit his supporters any less resolve could weaken his own. He needed only the most committed to go with him.

You won’t break my soul.

 Luke 9:51-62

(With an appreciative nod to Beyonce, “Break My Soul”)

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