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 The Trouble with Jesus

by Constance Hastings

Cheap Charity/Second Sight
March 13, 2023

The Trouble with Jesus has to be read with a second sight, a reading beyond what you’ve seen before.

Right now, we all would like a big dose of cheap charity. Inflation, a bank failure, devastating storms every week, a war that won’t end, cancer affecting every family, ugly politics, God, make all this go away. Bless us with a life that is easy. Amen. Like the blind man, fix what I need. I want to not have to think about how people suffer, my people hurt, I hurt. Most of all, heal everybody that’s sick and make sure no one else gets it. Amen again. Oh yeah, especially don’t make us have to go through another economic recession or lose any money because of this. That cost is way too high. Amen and Amen.


Sorry, but for whatever reason God has, that’s not happening or happening like we want or as fast as we’d like. Deal with it. Take responsibility for what you can change, and support the people who have the means and power to make those changes. If it’s your passion, follow it. Be proactive in your own health. Remove your support for what is not healthy, what’s just downright wrong by making lifestyle changes. Adjust people.


Land of the Free

So what gives you the right to order people around, tell us how we’re supposed to live? You don’t live my life. You know, this is supposed to be the land of the free. I’m free to do what I want. Just stay out of it.


If only we all could look the other way, shrug our shoulders when people whine and complain something is wrong and blame everyone else, even God. Understand though, we’re not in this life alone. Think about a mobile where different figures are suspended but also connected to a central cord. If just one is moved, the whole thing shakes. Whatever we do affects others and eventually ripples out to the community, the world. Take another look and see how both the good and bad, the positive and negative all have impact beyond its start and ultimate source. From that, develop a second sight, perspectives which see with new eyes.


And while we’re on the subject, the Trouble with Jesus has to be read with a second sight, a reading beyond what you’ve seen before.


Like this story, one which had all the elements of the usual formula: someone needs healing, the disciples make a few inane comments, the Pharisees don’t like it (oops, it’s the Sabbath again), Jesus heals the person anyway, and one more person believes. You’d think there could be some kind of narrative twist along the Gospel way, but hey, it sells well. Just look at Hallmark movies or HGTV home makeovers. It’s the same plot every time. Why complicate the story line with anything more? Move to the next chapter. Start the story again.


No, go back. Take another look. Then read ahead and go back again.


It’s interesting often how the writers who tell Jesus’ story either seem to be talking about the next thing to happen or comment on the last event in a slightly different way. In the next chapter Jesus talks about sheep:  He said, “I am the good shepherd; I know my own sheep and they know me.” If so, what did Jesus know about this man who was healed, and what did he then know about Jesus?


Cheap Charity

As said before, it happened as it often did. Jesus’ disciples came upon a blind man. Sick people were around them all the time. They asked Jesus whose sin brought this disease on the poor guy. There’s the blame-game again. Jesus says no one sinned, but the man was born blind for God’s glory. (Thanks a lot for that one, God!) Then saying there’s not much time left in the day to work, Jesus says he is “the light of the world.”


With those thoughts spinning in everyone’s head, Jesus spits in the dirt, makes mud which he spreads on the guy’s eyes, and tells him to go wash in a nearby pool. The man comes back seeing. Praise God then! Story over, all should be well.



Not so. For the love of God, no one seems happy about this guy’s change of vision. First, some of his own neighbors don’t seem to recognize him now that he can see. Then, the Pharisees have their turn at him, interrogating him over what happened and getting all bent out of shape about it being the Sabbath. He’s  been blind ever since he was born, and the religious bureaucrats quibble among themselves if a healing (like that kind of thing happens everyday) is appropriate on a holy day. Then these Temple officials drag in his parents who do their best to stay out of the issue all but disowning their own son. When that doesn’t work, they call in the poor guy a second time.


Now maybe he can see, but he certainly didn’t see what was coming next. The legal mongers want the man to say Jesus is a sinner. He won’t bite but sticks to the facts. “But I know this: I was blind, and now I can see!” Refusing to give them what they want, he insists, “If this man were not born from God, he couldn’t do it.” Bam! He gets the boot and is thrown out of the synagogue. This glory ride for God is going nowhere good fast.


Second Sight

Jesus though knows his sheep. The good shepherd finds the man and starts a conversation. Interestingly, the man actually has never seen Jesus. He was healed of a lifetime of blindness, but Jesus wasn’t present when the man came back from the pool. Jesus talks with him now, but the man had no idea the one before him was his healer.


Jesus reveals himself as the Son of God. With that recognition, believing, now fully seeing, the man worships Jesus, his Shepherd and knows him for who he is. The one who brought the light of sight to him is the Light of the World.


I have come to give sight to the blind

 and to show those who think they see that they are blind.”


John 9:1-41

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