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 The Trouble with Jesus

by Constance Hastings

The Crown
November 21, 2023

The Trouble with Jesus is he identifies with those from whom we’d rather be separate.

Jesus, you talk about sitting on a throne and having the world before you as you deliver edicts on who’s in and who’s out in your kingdom. Well, all powerful Son of Man, just to let you know, this is not the best impression if you want people to follow you. Setting yourself up as King? Hey, have you watched that Netflix series, The Crown? Family dysfunction mixed with money and power is not the best formula for the image you’d like to have. Is this really how you want us to identify with you?

Uh, no, that is, not in the way you know kings, presidents, dictators, as well as superstars and mega celebrities. Yes, Jesus often spoke of the Kingdom of Heaven. His desire was for all to be included in it. However, entrance into his Kingdom is not through the enforcement of power through war and oppression. That’s probably why those to whom this King speaks don’t recognize him. They’ve never seen the likes of his kind/kingdom before.

King of Suffering

Most people of power and position surround themselves with associates who can add to their status. Get the right team behind you to enhance and grow the wealth you want, the influence over people to maintain it, and the strength to build a legacy that lasts.

This King didn’t have any of that. His team were losers.  His family was not of great financial means. Worst yet, he was known to deride those who could help him, and his actions were known to be radical.

Jesus loved best those who were the most needy: the hungry, the homeless and foreigners, the naked and sick, those imprisoned behind bars and by life. The easy road was not his path. He forfeited the comforts of the world and called his followers to sell all they had and give to the poor. (Luke 18:22)

When he told this story, Jesus was headed into Jerusalem. With eyes wide open, he saw betrayal, torture and death to come in little more than a week. He did not turn aside.

King of Serving

Having great power means that people should be at your beck and call, do what you want and look out for your purposes. Manage the media to make it sound like you’re all for the people. But work it so you get more than you have to give.

One of Jesus’ mantras was, I come to serve, not to be served. (Matthew 20:28)  People knew this King’s compassion by how he healed every sickness and disease. (Matthew 4:23)  He called children to his side, fed thousands on next to nothing , affirmed women, and sent his followers to do the same.

As King he lowered himself to be beneath others. On his last night, he washed the feet of his best friends, saying as he kneeled in front of them, “Do as I have done to you.”

King of Peace

Even the just-average politician knows you can expect to be attacked and must fight for whatever you hope to accomplish. The best defense is a great offense, so be prepared to get dirty even if it’s mudslinging, lying and cheating to stay on top. The world works like that, you know.

This King instead told stories of reconciliation, of prodigal sons and loving parents, of beaten travelers and Samaritan healers (Luke 10:25-37) , of lost sheep and searching shepherds. He taught people to turn the other cheek and to go the second mile. (Matthew 5:39-41)   He commanded love of both neighbor and enemy. (Matthew 5:43-47) 

Even when his life was on the line, this nonconforming King would not accept the ways of the world. When arrested, he healed a wounded soldier, saying “Those who use the sword will die by the sword.”  (Matthew 26:51-52)

Christ Our King

In suffering, serving, peacemaking, Jesus culminated his ministry in the ultimate sacrifice of his life by the acceptance of death by the worst means the world could design, that of a bloody cross. In defeat was his greatest triumph for only by dying could the power of Love best be displayed in resurrection.

Yet, this should be of no surprise. Prince of Paradox, he invited any who would inherit the eternal kingdom to enter by that same path, to give honor to his rule in this same pattern of living.

For when “the least of these” know Love, the King is crowned.

“I assure you, when you did it to the least of these my brothers and sisters,

you were doing it for me.”

Matthew 25:31-46

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