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 The Trouble with Jesus

by Constance Hastings

The Ashes of Our Lives
February 12, 2024

The Trouble with Jesus means treasures most dear to God are the ashes of our lives

Funny how religions have these strange dramas. Some wail and beat chests, some interrupt the day kneeling in a certain direction, others smear their faces with burnt leaves, all making a spectacle of themselves in flaunting how good and holy they’re supposed to be. But take an inside peak into their palaces of piety, and you don’t have to be a deity to know it’s all a sham. Give it up please, or at least stay home and out of sight.


Yeah, that’s what Jesus said, too. He wasn’t in favor of ostentatious displays and public relation ploys to show how righteous one was. He even recommended praying in a closet alone, away and out of sight. What’s more, he got crazy about it saying don’t let your right hand know what your left hand is doing. (Try doing that for a little mental workout.) And if you decide to donate to a good cause, keep it between you and God. (Maybe the IRS should know but that’s on your conscience, not mine.)

You mention the shams of religion. God knows there’s a multitude out there who has benefited from it. Celebrities and politicians get a lot of mileage there. Preachers have become rock stars and are experts at whipping up a congregation to Amens and hands raised. You’d think you were at last weekend’s Superbowl. Face it, it’s often a good show. That’s what we live for, right?

Take a Private Position

So why was Jesus so adamant about keeping the disciplines of faith under cover? “Give your gifts in secret…pray to your Father secretly…fast, comb your hair, wash your face.” If God is the only one who knows about it, then only you and God know what it’s for.

So, what is it for? Reducing your tax liability, getting on the good side of God, losing weight? How come people are supposed to do this, and what do Wednesday’s ashes prove?


Not to deny these things won’t happen, but it’s really about You, You alone as well as You collectively. It’s a time of deliberation about what is important, where your dependencies lie, what needs to be relinquished to God. It’s more than sacrificing chocolate until the Easter basket has a big brown bunny in it. Ultimately, it’s the right to oneself giving way to sacrifice. That sacrifice could lead to reward, not the good life we all desire, but good in what life should be.

A World View or World Vision?

Need a suggestion? How’s your lifestyle these days? If you live in this present time in the United States of America, even if you live on the streets, you’ve got it pretty good compared to third world countries when it comes to a measure of wealth and basic health. While inflation has taken a bite out of what’s affordable, other parts of the world don’t have a tenth of what we have stored in our closets. Our lifestyles, health, needs take precedent over the rest of the world, and too bad for them.

How’s that? Take those chocolate bunny ears you’re ready to bite off. Look into where much of our chocolate comes from. Follow the money. Modern day slavery utilizes very young children, some stolen or sold into servitude, to harvest cocoa beans.  Yep. What is a treat for our children is born of tragedy for others.

But we treat people in this country not much differently. Let’s take one issue of which we’re vaguely aware and agree it should be addressed: homelessness. As the above graphic shows, the causes of homelessness are many and complicated. (Figure 3) 

Agencies that serve the homeless are up against all of this. Not one societal effort alone will solve it.

Denial: Not a River in Egypt

Overwhelmed? Makes giving up chocolate for Lent look easy. Yet, pretending it’s not your problem and just driving by that guy with a cardboard sign asking for help isn’t right either. Handouts might get someone through the night, but even those who are not very street smart know giving cash is a ticket to cheap drugs. Want to love your neighbor? Run into that secret prayer closet and ask for direction.

(Couple of things lacking in the graphic: those who are immigrants at our border or refugees running from a war they didn’t cause. Spend some more time on your knees with that one.)

Where’s that leave us with God? Honestly, do you really think God cares if you give up some kind of food for six and a half weeks? None of it would make a substantial difference in reducing child labor, helping the homeless or bettering your relationship with your neighbor, let alone with God.

What does get to God is how we expect the world to revolve around us. To examine these issues, to make or advocate for change in our lives and community that upholds justice and love of neighbor is what God desires. When you focus on what is beyond your own little realm and take notice of the brutal reality of another’s world, the challenge is clear. It’ll mean a measure of self-denial, attention to the have-nots, and acceptance that it will cost you in time, money, resources, all treasures stored up on earth. The old ways become ashes, becoming what is given up and sacrificed for the purposes of heaven.

God does take notice of how you give, pray and fast. For when we make choices viewed as treasure stored in heaven, we are blessed because our world is changed.

“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21

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